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21 May 2022. 21 May 2022. 5-40 pm. Reserves: [...]
Blog and news content
21 May 2022. 21 May 2022. 5-40 pm. Reserves: [...] BUFC lost 3-0 today. ....More news as it [...]
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....More news as it comes in... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Over 45's. [...]
14 May 2022. 5-40 pm. Reserves win: 0-2. Seniors [...]
Happy Mothers day, on Sunday 8 May 2022. 7.00 [...]
pm. May 22. ....More news as it comes in... [...]
9 pm. 1 May 22. Reserves draw: 3 - [...]
5 oo pm. 24 Apr 22. Metro Team win [...]
6.00 pm. 23 April 2022. . Reserves: 1-1 Seniors: [...]